
Jumat, 04 Januari 2019

Aaron Yan Opens Up About Depression and Being Bullied

Aaron Yan
Actor singer Aaron Yan recently attended an anti-bullying convention where he talked about his past experiences as a victim of bullying.  He opens up about his life during middle school.  Having studied in the United States, Aaron wasn't used to how things were in a Taiwanese middle school as the US and Taiwan had very different cultures.  For a 14 year old boy, that was very overwhelming especially if you stand out.  Aaron Yan reveals that he was bullied for 3 years back then.  He would find his pencil case covered in yogurt, his lunch dumped and his bag in the trash can.  It came to a point where he thought that he'd be better off dead.  

At the time, Aaron Yan also struggled with his sexuality and depression. His sexual orientation wasn't something his family could accept easily. He actively sought help from psychologists and took medication for 6 months.  In the end, he found the strength to carry on.  

Aaron Yan
Aaron Yan reveals that it took him more than seven years to let go of the hate that he carried in his heart.  He says, "There was a time I didn't want to go to school." but ultimately he has since learned to move on, saying "Time is a very good medicine."  and "It's okay."  

Aaron Yan also believes that most of the bullying done today is through social media, specifically hurtful and irresponsible comments.  I do have to agree with him on that one.  It is easy to be a target especially if you happen to be a celebrity with fans who dislike you.   

Despite all the things that happened to him, Aaron Yan overcame his demons and became a better person for it.  Bullying is wrong and shouldn't be tolerated.  I'm glad he spoke up so people can be made aware.  

Source:  1  2

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